To use the PHP version of the Admin SDK you must use this composer command:

composer require kkiapay/kkiapay-php:dev-master


The use of the server Admin SDK requires the creation of a kkiapay object. In order to create that object, you will need to retrieve your API keys and to use the following commands whether you are in Sandbox mode or in production.

  • In Sandbox

$kkiapay = new \Kkiapay\Kkiapay($public_key,
                                $sandbox = true);

When the attribute $sandbox is set to true you're in test mode.

  • In live

$kkiapay = new \Kkiapay\Kkiapay($public_key,

Status of a transaction

With the Server Admin SDK, you can retrieve all the information related to a transaction, using the reference of the operation that has been performed. To do this, you will need to fill in the following fields:

  • Your public, private and secret API keys

  • The reference of the operation (see the image below)


You can use the following code to test this feature:


Refund a transaction

Any success transaction made by mobile money can be subject to a refund operation. You have the possibility to make a refund if your customer hasn't obtained satisfaction for the service for which he paid or if you consider it necessary. In order to carry out such an operation, you will need to provide the following information:

  • Your public, private and secret API keys

  • The reference of the operation (see the image below)

The refund of a transaction doesn't include the refund of the fees related to.


You can use the following code to test this feature:


Last updated