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The KKiaPay SDK for Swift is designed to make the integration of our plugin into your mobile application as easy as possible. To set it up you will need to on platform and follow the process here describes :
Add the KKiaPay Swift SDK to your application
You can add the KKiaPay Swift SDK to your project using the Swift package manager.
Practical guide for installing a package with Swift : .
Import the package KKiaPay
Create a view model to use later
Initialise the KKiaPay Instance
Important !
You can subscribe to payment transaction events with the onReceive function. To be notified of the successful status of a payment transaction, you can proceed as follows :
ParamètresTypeDescriptionLe montant à payer en FCFAStringUn numéro mobile money valideLa donnée ou information liée à une transaction et interprétable par votre systèmeStringLa liée à votre StringLes nom et prénoms de l’initiateur du paiementStringL’adresse mail de l’initiateur du paiementVous permet de basculer de l'environnement de test à l'environnement de production. La valeur true de cet attribut signifie que vous êtes en La fonction de callback appelée uniquement lorsque le paiement est effectué avec succès
To avoid fraud, perform the server-side verification of the transaction operation. Learn more about the .
For more informations on the SDK please follow the link below :
The amount to be paid (in XOF)
A valid money mobile number (MTN or MOOV) Ex: 22997000000 Ex: 22995000000
The data or information related to a transaction and interpretable by your system
The first and last name of the initiator of the payment
The email address of the initiator of the payment
The callback function called only when the payment was successful
The linked to your
Allows you to switch from the to the production environment. The value true for this attribute means that you are in a test environment