Suspicious email and website

You have received an email and don't know if it is really KKiaPay? You don't know how to react and especially how you can verify if it's a legitimate email from KKiaPay?

Phishing attacks occur when a malicious source tries to get you to provide confidential information by pretending to be a legitimate company, a colleague or someone you trust. They often look a lot like official emails, websites, tweets, Facebook posts, etc., and can easily obtain your personal information if you are not on the lookout.

KKiaPay regularly sends notification emails. If you need to ensure that the email is legal you'll have to:

  • Check the URL before clicking on a link. On a web browser you will have to hover over the link and look at the URL that will appear at the bottom of your browser to make sure that it actually points to a page in the domain

  • Check the domain name to make sure it is the same as kkiapay. The aim is to avoid simulacra such as: kkaipay, kkiapaiy, etc.

  • Verify if the extended validation certificate who look lie a green look is next to the URL. This extended validation certificate help you make sure that you are actually on the KKiaPay website.

If you suspect a phishing attempt, send us the full message via our contact page. More importantly, stay alert!

Last updated

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